What is the USPS PIC Barcode for Direct Mail?
PIC Barcode is an abbreviation for Package Identification Code Barcode.
It is a standardized bar code used as a unique identifier for individual mail pieces and designates the requested service type. A PIC is like a tracker number that uniquely identifies all Confirmation Service mail pieces.
It is printed on the label in barcode format.
Geofactor uses unique identifiers on all mail orders on behalf of the sender as part of the mailing process.
What is the USPS MID for Direct Mail?
MID is an abbreviation for Mail Identifier. As the name suggests, it is a unique barcode that identifies specific mail types.
They are assigned to a Mail Owner, Mailing Agent or other mail service providers by the USPS®.
MIDs consist of a 6-digit or 9-digit numeric code. They are assigned on the basis of annual mail volume criteria. 9-digit numeric codes are assigned to business locations without any volume criteria.
Which mail can be sent with the USPS MID?
- First Class Mail
- Parcels
- Standard Mail
- Periodicals
A MID enables you to:
- Search a CRID
- Enroll for a new MID
- Use a customer reference/nickname for your MID
- Set up data distribution profiles to acquire scan data related to Full-Service ACS, Full-Service Start-The-Clock/Container Visibility, IMb Visibility, Tray Visibility, and Bundle Visibility
- Set up an ACS billing and register for e-Induction Processing basis your MID
When you work with Geofactor, we set up your USPS PIC as one of the documentation processes and use our own USPS MID to send your mailers to the Post Office® or Mailing Centers.