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  • tips to save money with EDDM
    EDDM Strategy

    EDDM Budgeting Tips: 6 Helpful Suggestions to Get You Started

    Your campaign’s ROI heavily depends on your overall marketing spend. It is natural for marketers to look for ways to reduce their advertising expenses and create cost-effective marketing initiatives. Let’s discuss 6 tips to save money with EDDM.

    By Geofactor,
    December 13, 2021
  • cost of EDDM
    EDDM Overview

    How Much Does an EDDM Campaign Cost

    Marketers often get confused between EDDM® and Direct Mail, and don’t realize that the former is a much better option to advertise to locals, at minimal costs. It is suitable for small businesses who lack the funds for highly targeted marketing, but are aiming for improved outreach and better response rates. Let’s break down the cost of EDDM and see how it can help you save on your marketing budget.

    By Geofactor,
    December 9, 2021