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How Much Does an EDDM Campaign Cost

Published by on December 9, 2021

Every Door Direct Mail®, abbreviated as EDDM, is a useful direct marketing tool that helps small businesses reach local communities. Recipients can differentiate between EDDM® and Direct Mail as EDDM mailers don’t consist of names and addresses. They’re just addressed to ‘Postal Customer’ or ‘Residential Customer’.

Marketers often get confused between EDDM® and Direct Mail, and don’t realize that the former is a much better option to advertise to locals, at minimal costs. It is suitable for small businesses who lack the funds for highly targeted marketing, but are aiming for improved outreach and better response rates.

cost of EDDM

Let’s break down the cost of EDDM and see how it can help you save on your marketing budget.

The postage rate for EDDM is as low as ¢18. EDDM mailers of all sizes have the same postage rate. However, the cost of design and printing may vary based on size.

The cost of EDDM depends on three crucial factors:

1. Size of your postcard

Standard-sized flyers such as 6.25”x9” cost less to produce than larger sizes such as the 12”x15” option. The canvas size for creating mailer designs varies with the size of the mailer, so hence, the price of the design fluctuates. Printing larger-sized postcards also takes up more ink than the smaller ones, increasing the production spend.

2. Quantity of mail pieces per campaign

EDDM allows you to send 5,000 postcards per ZIP code or mail route. The minimum quantity of mail pieces to start a campaign is 200. The audience(s) you target will determine how many flyers you must produce. Small-scale campaigns cost much less than larger ones. However, large-scale initiatives might lower the actual mailer price per piece by increasing production efficiency due to mass printing. With EDDM, you get charged for every single piece of mailer you send out, including design, printing, and postage rates.

3. Design, print, and delivery

You can either design your mailers in-house or choose a third-party design vendor. You might need a professional printing service to get your mailers mass-printed while saving time. You might have to pay extra if you wish to send out your campaign earlier than the standard 2-4 weeks.

Or, you can simply choose a full-fledged USPS®-authorized EDDM vendor like Geofactor that can help you with every step of the process. Full-fledged EDDM® services can walk you through all the checkpoints of your campaign, starting from paperwork to integrated performance marketing.

The cost for third-party vendors and EDDM vendors are charged as per their pricing lists, based on the project.

Are you looking for maximized brand awareness at lower marketing costs? Choose Geofactor as your official EDDM vendor to create impactful campaigns. We will be a part of your EDDM® journey throughout the campaign process and launch your campaign directly with the USPS after you schedule it.

Check out our Pricing Page to understand the cost of EDDM based on your campaign requirements.
