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3 Direct Mail Stats Every Small Business Owner Should See

Published by on July 11, 2021

USPS Every Door Direct Mail® (EDDM) isn’t just disrupting the local marketing paradigm—it’s delivering results in a way that no other marketing medium can.

If you run a small business or organization and are interested in how to boost sales, attract new customers, get more people in the door, and achieve rapid growth, you have to see these three EDDM® and direct mail stats…

69% of People Read or Look at Advertisements That Come In the Mail ‘Always’ or ‘Most of the Time’

According to an ongoing study fielded by NPD Group, direct mail is alive and well in 2019. When those surveyed were asked how often they read or looked at advertisements that come in the mail, 69% answered: “always or most of the time.”

Can you say the same for television or radio ads when it’s easier than ever to change the channel or station?

Can you say the same for digital marketing strategies like PPC advertising, when your ad gets buried and mixed in with a dozen others on a search results page?

By helping you identify your target customers, EDDM® can help you get at least 69% of your local marketing audience to read or look at your marketing package.

And direct mail continues to be surprisingly effective with younger generations, as well. 87% of Millennials enjoy receiving direct mail!

At 9% to a House List and 5% to a Prospect List, Direct Mail Response Rates are at All-Time Highs

In a society that’s becoming increasingly obsessed with the digital world, it’s easy to expect direct mail response rates to fall. According to a late-2018 report from the Association of National Advertisers, that’s not the case.

Direct mail response rates are at all-time highs!

While the reasoning for such stats can be debated, the numbers themselves cannot. Direct mail isn’t just a viable marketing avenue today… It’s the dominant marketing avenue in many cases.

Brand Recall is 70% Higher for Direct Mail Than Digital Advertising

Researchers studying the neuroscience behind the response to marketing found that brand recall is 70% higher for direct mail than digital advertising. Those researchers believe the boost for direct mailers stems from the fact that direct mail is more memorable because it involves multiple senses and is easier to absorb and process.

That’s great news if you’re considering EDDM®. You won’t just be reaching a hyper-targeted local audience. You’ll also be growing your brand recognition at a higher rate than you would through digital advertising!

Ready to get started on your first or next EDDM® campaign? Click here to check out the best EDDM® platform available.
