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Why Every Door Direct Mail is Perfect for These 5 Users

Published by on October 20, 2021

When it comes to Every Door Direct Mail®, or EDDM, local marketing is king. Through highly specific geo-demographic targeting, the local advertising of any type of business has the potential to explode.

However, there are five types of businesses or organizations for which EDDM® is particularly well-suited.

Small Businesses

Virtually every small business is looking for ways to increase sales through local advertising. EDDM® is the perfect solution, especially when you have access to an end-to-end EDDM® platform like Geofactor, which gives you all of this:

  • Less hassle putting together direct mail campaigns
  • More control over your audience, your message, your schedule, and your budget
  • Best-in-class data-powered intelligence that directly leads to better ROI on your marketing spend
  • The ability to significantly increase revenue without boosting your budget.

Retail stores, healthcare professionals, gyms, dry cleaners, home services companies, realtors, car dealerships, repair shops, contractors, restaurants, landscapers… All of the above and more are perfect candidates for EDDM® because it allows these small businesses to get their message into the hands of their ideal customer within a local area.

Small businesses love direct mail because it boasts a higher median ROI (29%) than paid search and online display ads. And EDDM® only enhances that ROI!

Large Businesses With Regional Locations

Not all large businesses are alike. While many run a national operation from a single headquarters, others are spread out into various locations throughout the country to reach a targeted audience. For the latter, it’s vital to give your national company a local face.

USPS Every Door Direct Mail® gives those regional offices more specificity and control when it comes to targeting an audience within a specific area.

Marketing Agencies

Whether you work with direct mail companies or individual businesses that give you the freedom to deliver results how you want, EDDM® is your perfect solution. Through geo-demographic targeting, you’ll be armed with the ability to produce results at the push of a button.

With EDDM®, you can help your clients cut through the swamp of advertising. Of the 1,600 ads the average person sees in a day, 98% are digital! Give your clients the edge by being part of the 2%.


For nonprofit organizations, success is measured in awareness, in engagement, and in response. By leveraging the geo-demographic targeting of Every Door Direct Mail, you can boost each of those units by getting your message in front of thousands of relevant customers.

Tell the people in your area about the charity event happening this weekend. Or let your local audience know about an issue that could affect the local area. Having a food drive? Tell the audience of people most likely to participate with EDDM® marketing.

Nonprofits also get the added benefit of cheaper postage pricing!

Political Organizations

When it comes to political mailings, success is about reaching every individual. To do so, you have to focus a global message on a local scale. Streets, neighborhoods, communities—this is where you need your message to be seen.

And because direct mail pieces stay in a person’s home for 17 days on average, your marketing will have a lasting impact!

Tell your local audience about legislation that will have an impact on their daily lives. Or get a message and picture of your candidate into the hands of undecided voters who are looking for a reason to vote one way or the other.

Click here to create an EDDM® campaign that puts your company message in front of thousands of relevant customers in 10 minutes or less.
