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Choosing the Right Design – Lawn Maintenance | 11×17

Published by on October 21, 2021

Lawns are expensive to maintain. Tell your customers how choosing your landscaping service is a worthwhile investment.

Persuasive headline:

The headline sits in harmony with the background image. A direct offer persuades viewers to read further.

Elegant background image:

The color green is associated with peace. Showcase the tidy outcome of your service with an elegant image.

Three attractive offer coupons:

Interested people will keep your mailer to use the coupons later. Lucrative offers increase the chances of conversion.

Elaborate description:

Take the time to describe the various aspects of your services in detail. Highlight your specific offerings and service combinations, along with the most popular service options among customers.

Clear contact information:

Add your contact information at the end of the first page to give your audience a clear direction to take the next step. Generating a response increases the chances of making a sale significantly.

Clean background scenery:

Consistency is key. Use the same green tones for the back page of the mailer as well. A picture of your service outcome helps them visualize their own transformed lawn.

Defined logo:

A memorable name with clean visuals will help people associate your brand with elegant services.

Elaborate description:

Detailed information divided into smaller chunks helps people remember at least a few lines of what has been communicated. By doing so, the goal is to help them associate your brand name with lawn maintenance, each time they require this particular service.

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