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Want To Maximize Your EDDM Campaign’s Success? These 7 Effective Copywriting Tips Are What You Need

Published by on November 21, 2021

Every marketing copy differs based on its function and the audience it is catering to. As a business owner, good copywriting is a must for any type of marketing communication.

EDDM copywriting tips

Here are 7 EDDM copywriting tips to help you create a strong impact with your next EDDM® campaign.

1. Focus on a single marketing message

It can be tempting to let your audience know everything about you at once. But your EDDM postcard should focus on a single key message to base your marketing goals on. 

Are you trying to bring in new customers, promote a special offer, or introduce a new service? Ensure that you convey one single marketing message at a time for the desired response and a high traction rate.

2. Be concise and clear

Your sales copy needs to be succinct and easy to understand. Very few people will read your message for over 5 minutes. Your headline should be no longer than five words, and your sentences should be around 20 to 25 words in detailed mailers.

Split your paragraphs to break the monotony and use bullet points for ease of reading and comprehension.

Be it EDDM copywriting tips or any other business communication advice; marketing experts will always suggest being clear and concise in your messaging.

3. Decide your brand voice based on the audience

Your marketing copy’s voice depends on your audience type. Keep your customer in mind at all times when trying to communicate with them.

For example, B2B language is ideal for dentists, real estate, etc., whereas you’d use a personable brand voice for veterinary clinics and fast-food restaurants.

4. Talk about the benefits instead of your features

You lose your readers’ attention when you use industry-specific jargon. Instead of telling the viewer about your services’ components, tell them how it solves their specific problem or how they can benefit from it.

For example, when selling a handbag, don’t talk about its ‘full-grain leather’ material, but explain how it increases the bag’s durability.

5. Let your headlines convey the heart of the matter

As one of the most prominent design elements of your EDDM postcard, the headline is a key player for your mailer’s efficacy. It should be easy to read and appeal to the reader at first glance. Ensure that your headline concisely conveys the main marketing message.

6. Use a persuasive CTA

An effective call to action should give your viewer a specific course of action after reading your mailer. Without the CTA, your customers will simply read the message without knowing what to do with that information. So ensure that all your mailers consist of a strong CTA.

For example:

  • Redeem Your Coupon Now!
  • Call Us Before The Stock Expires!
  • Renew Your Membership Today For A 35% Discount

7. Don’t give everything away

Tempt your readers to find out more about you. Use a concise, descriptive copy and a straightforward CTA to direct them to your business’ website. They can see all your additional service offerings, testimonials, service process, etc., through the webpage.

We hope our EDDM copywriting tips give you everything you need to create effective EDDM® messaging.

Good copy must be paired with a compelling mailer design. This is where Geofactor comes in to help you! We have a wide range of industry-based pre-made EDDM templates to help you get started.

Customize Your EDDM Design Template Here!
