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9 Fundamental Elements of a Successful EDDM Postcard Design

Published by on December 3, 2021

As a bulk mailing channel, Every Door Direct Mail® allows you to mass-deliver a single EDDM postcard design to every household in the selected neighborhood. Your layout and mailer sketch can make or break your campaign. It is critical to ensure that your EDDM postcard conveys your branding and your marketing message simultaneously.

EDDM postcard design

Here are the 9 essential EDDM postcard design elements you must include in your mailer to ensure the same:

1. Company Logo

Put your logo in a prominent area in the mailer where it has the highest chances of being seen. Your recipient should be aware of where their EDDM postcard came from. Repeat the logo on the back page of the mailer to improve brand recall. Ensure that your company logo doesn’t overshadow your offer.

2. Headline

Your audience should be able to identify the core message of the EDDM mailer, or be intrigued to know more about it with the headline. It should be easy to comprehend and separate from the rest of the text body. Headlines are usually written in bigger font sizes than other narrative elements. This EDDM postcard design element is one of the first things a viewer will notice in your mailer, which is why it is the deciding factor for the rest of your mailer being read.

3. Visuals

Your graphics should be consistent with your headline and the tonality of your mailer. They can consist of illustrations as well as actual photos. The goal should be to strengthen your core marketing message with high quality images. For example, a legal mailer should use clear and straightforward graphics that give people a reason to contact you.

4. Typography

Typography is not just limited to ‘typeface’ and ‘text color’. It also includes the way your text is designed and arranged within the text space. Your typeface should convey the tonality of your marketing message and reinforce the emotions of your visuals. When done right, even the length of your sentences and character spacing can influence the readers.

For example, ‘Arial’, as a font, is typically used to convey professional, serious messages.

5. Negative Space

This refers to the empty space between the elements of your EDDM postcard. It gives your viewer a short reprieve while switching between reading the elements and gives your design room to breathe. It can be an effective tool to direct your audience’s attention towards important information. With proper usage of white space, you can ensure your EDDM postcard doesn’t look cluttered.

6. Branding Colors

The psychological reaction to colors is used as a means of persuasion. Marketers use color hues that are relevant to their core message. While your EDDM postcard should be able to catch attention, it doesn’t necessarily mean you should solely use bright colors. While colors are subjective to each individual, the assorted perception for each tint can elicit an emotion within your audience. For example, blue is used to convey calmness, whereas pink is attributed to femininity.

7. Body Copy

Be it a short description or a longer narrative; your EDDM postcard should be able to communicate the benefits of your service without an overuse of text. You need to focus on your features and tell your audience why they need to avail your product as soon as possible.

8. Call-to-Action

Tell your recipients exactly what they should do to avail your service. The CTA should be written right after the body copy. It can use a mix of typography and negative space to separate it from the rest of the content.

9. Offers

Your offer should complement your CTA and give your audience a convincing reason to contact you. Limited-period offers and discounts are perfect for getting the most traction due to the ‘fear of missing out’.

Your mailer needs to include all the above elements and be all-comprehensive to maximize the chances of getting customer responses.

Creating an EDDM postcard design for your campaign? Here are a few EDDM design tips to help you get started!
