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How and Why Salon Owners Use EDDM

Published by on July 25, 2021

Physical mailers create a sense of familiarity between the business and the audience. Salons generally use Every Door Direct Mail® to develop long-lasting relationships with local customers.

EDDM for salons has a much higher response rate compared to other forms of direct marketing. Many factors make it ideal for salons looking to market in a local area.

why salon owners use eddm

Here’s Why Salon Owners Use EDDM:

1. To target a high-end crowd

Creating an EDDM® campaign gives you a bird’s eye view of your chosen neighborhoods’ demographics. Salon owners target areas according to their household income, age range, number of family members, etc. This is a valuable feature when trying to target audiences who can afford a salon’s services.

2. Ideal for experience industries

Salons are part of the service industry; hence there are no tangible products. This makes it a challenge to advertise their services efficiently. One effective solution used by such businesses is to rope in their target audience using physical mailers. EDDM mailers give them tangible material to hold on to and an idea of what to expect from the service.

3. Potential to be read by entire families

While salons draw in diverse crowds, they mostly appeal to people who can afford their services. Many families visit salons together. Capitalizing on this, salon owners send EDDM postcards to households where the chances of them being read by more people are higher.

4. Ideal for high-end services

When targeting a high-end crowd, using premium quality marketing material is essential. Salon owners usually choose a sophisticated EDDM® paper type called ‘glossy paper’ to convey the ambiance of their salon aptly. Using good quality paper conveys a lot about the service and attracts the right audience.

5. Convenient to promote offers

It is imperative to keep customers interested with regular discounts and offers. Salon owners promote multiple coupons for varied customers using EDDM mailers. Customers can simply cut out the coupons and redeem them at the salon.

Now that we’ve discussed why salon owners use EDDM let’s talk about the different ways EDDM for salons is beneficial.

Here’s How Salon Owners Use EDDM:

1. Large-sized mailers for better visibility

EDDM® allows you to mass-send large mailers at affordable rates. Since bigger mailers catch more attention, this is a great option to save on marketing costs while still getting appropriate traction.

2. To display deluxe interiors  

EDDM flyers, which sport high-quality paper, showcase a salon’s ambiance purposefully. Displaying premium equipment along with sophisticated interiors helps target the right kind of audience.

3. To showcase services in action

Visuals help the audience understand, remember, and get interested. EDDM postcards can showcase high-quality visuals of salons. These are used to display images of the most popular services to provide people with a clear idea of the salon’s service quality.

While it is imperative to target new customers, retaining the older ones goes a long way in maintaining consistent footfall. EDDM for salons also focuses on sending out regular mailers to local patrons with attractive discounts.

As one of the ideal users for EDDM®, salons can greatly benefit from its easy targeting technique.

With timely mailers and an emphasis on relationship building, EDDM® helps salons become the go-to service in their local market area.
